Welcome to IllustratorsRep.com

PO BOX 6246
Cincinnati, OH 45206

(513) 861-1400

email: bob@illustratorsrep.com

Illustratorsrep.com has been successfully representing some of the finest illustrators, photographers and designers for over twenty years. During that time we have serviced such accounts as Disney, Rolling Stone Magazine and Procter & Gamble, just to name a few.  Business is evenly split between Advertising Agencies, Corporations, Graphic Design Studios and Publishing Firms.

We've put together this site to make choosing qualified personnel simple and easy, while providing marketing solutions for talented professionals. If while browsing our site, you didn't  see that "just right" style, chances are, with our extensive data-base, we can connect you up to the right person.

If you are interested in securing any of our highly skilled individuals, please email Bob Berendsen at:
bob@illustratorsrep.com. For more information about representation you can email your samples to us at: info@illustratorsrep.com

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